Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the annual meeting where owners can learn about their property, and vote on key issues. Key topics include a report from the auditor, an election for new board members, and a question and answer period.
The AGM is called by the board of directors and must take place within 6 months of the condominium's fiscal year end. To call the meeting, the board must deliver to each owner a "Pre-Notice of Meeting", at least 35 days before the AGM, followed by the "Notice of Meeting" at least 15 days before the AGM.
An AGM requires a minimum number of owners to be present, either in person or by appointing someone as a proxy. This is called quorum, and it is set at 25% by the Condominium Act. If an owner owns more than one unit, each of the units count towards quorum. If people do not show up and quorum is not reached, the election cannot take place and another meeting must be scheduled.