Styles of Condominium

Unlike the condominiums of the past, condos these days can take any number of shapes and sizes. It is true that the most common of the Styles of Condominium is still the highrise, but many others make condominiums indistinguishable from non-condo structures.

Highrise: The most common type, this consists of a building made up of common elements and units. The common elements in a highrise include corridors, mechanical equipment, parking garage and landscaping, and even the building envelope.

Townhouse: the second most common of the styles of condominium, townhouse condominiums have been around for a long time. The common elements usually consist of the parking garage, the roadways, and shared components like building envelope, landscaping, and fire suppression systems.

Lowrise: Similar to highrise condominiums, lowrise buildings can include features like quads (open air squares), outdoor pools, or other amenities.

Shared Facilities: Some condominiums share facilities with other condominiums. Others use the Common Element Condominium (CEC) legal structure to share an asset. Most of the time units in a CECs share roadways, but the shared asset can be rec centers, golf courses, or anything else.

Vacant Land: Some condominiums start as plots of vacant land, that people purchase and build their own homes on.