Types of Condominiums

In Ontario, there are several different types of condominium. Standard Condominiums can be thought of as shared common areas, with privately-owned units. This is the most common type, and until 1998, the only type of condominium. In Standard condominiums, maintenance and repairs are somewhat tricky since the unit is connected to the rest of the building.

Common Element Condominiums (not to be confused with common elements) are condominiums where owners own a parcel of land in a development instead of a unit in a building. The structure built on this “Parcel of Tied Land” (POTL) is entirely owned by the individual, making repairs and maintenance relatively simple. The word “tied” in “Parcel of Tied Land” means that the unit owners share a common asset, like a road, or an area of land. For example, in a Common Element Corporation in the form of a townhouse development, the owners may be responsible for the shared roads and street lighting. This differs from a regular townhouse development where the city would take on these services.

Vacant Land Condominiums, Phased Condominiums, and Leaseholds are some of the other types of condominium corporations that are possible in Ontario, but these are far less common.
